«Industrial Metrology» Co. LTD is in Group of companies.
Industrial Metrology Co LTD (St.-Petersburg, Russia) is a professional distributer of Russian Hi-Rel electronic components.
According to our strategy Industrial Metrology Co. LTD focused on Aerospace market.
Founded in 2011 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The activity was began with supplies of linear motors, connectors and cables for demanding applications (high-duty) as well as hardware and software for linear and angular measurements. On the basis of acquired experience and relationships with the domestic manufacturers Export department for deliveries abroad highly reliable Russian electronic components was opened in 2014.
We are operating with developers and manufacturers directly. It is more than 200 enterprises and universities in Russia.
The company is actively promoting Russian electronic components to the CIS countries, Asia and Africa now.
We are professional representative and distributor of electronic components, dimensions measurement equipment and software.
Key facts about «Industrial Metrology» Co. LTD:
- Founded in 2011 in St. Petersburg, Russia
- Headquarters is in St. Petersburg
- Offices are located in Moscow and St-Petersburg
- Sales areas Russia, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan and BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, Chinese national Republic, South Africa)
- Aerospace is target market
- Focused on design-in sales
- Provide service support for our customers
- Provide export licensing
- Provide quality certificates from manufactures
Our stuff has successful experience of promotion and supply of electronic components, metrological equipment, solutions for scanning and metrology software:
- Measuring arms
- Laser scanning probes
- Laser trackers
- 3-D reverse engineering software
- 3-D quality inspection software
- 3-D White light scanning solutions
- 2-D White light scanning solutions
Our stuff has successful experience of promotion and supply of such brands like:
- Steinbichler
- Kreon
- Metrologic
- Geomagic
- Deutsche Mechatronics
This days we are interested to find partners from Asia.
We invite you to join our success!